A bundle is a complex product with optional features or components that you include on a single quote line. We allow you to create bundles as quickly and conveniently as possible.

To start working with bundles, you need to open the Bundle Builder ****tab:

How to open the Bundle Builder

How to open the Bundle Builder

Getting around the Bundle Builder interface

Let's have a look at the Bundle Builder page and its components

Left sidebar

The left sidebar contains all your products. Filter, find, and drag them from here to the central column to add them to your bundle. Moreover, they can be sorted by all displayed fields.

The sidebar has three possible positions: standard, hidden and extended. A list of fields can be easily configured in Product's object fieldsets (Setup → Object Manager → Product object → Fieldsets):

How to configure displayed fields in the left sidebar

How to configure displayed fields in the left sidebar

Products can be grouped by any field just by selecting the needed one in the Sidebar Product Groups fieldset. Subgroups are also supported (up to three).

How to configure groups in the left sidebar

How to configure groups in the left sidebar